Shengjie Wang | 王圣杰

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University , working with Prof. Yang Gao. Previously, I was a Master's student in Department of Automation at Tsinghua University , advised by Prof. Tao Zhang(IET Fellow, Head of Department). I completed my Bachelor's in Robotics at BIT, supervised by Prof. Qing Shi (IEEE Senior Member) and Prof. Toshio Fukuda (2020 IEEE President).

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Research Interests

My research interests lie in the intersection of Robotics and Reinforcement Learning. I care about efficient, stable and safe robot performance in the unstructured open world.

Furthermore, we are passionate about releasing some interesting robotic environments, such as Bi-DexHands and SpaceRobotEnv. Hope everyone enjoys our work!

Selected Publications
CoPa: General Robotic Manipulation through Spatial Constraints of Parts with Foundation Models
Haoxu Huang*, Fanqi Lin*, Yingdong Hu, Shengjie Wang, Yang Gao
IROS Oral, 2024
Project website / Twitter / ArXiv / Code /

We propose Robotic Manipulation through Spatial Constraints of Parts (CoPa), a novel framework that incorporates common sense knowledge embedded within foundation vision-language models (VLMs), such as GPT-4V, into the low-level robotic manipulation tasks.

EfficientZero V2: Mastering Discrete and Continuous Control with Limited Data
Shengjie Wang*, Shaohuai Liu*, Weirui Ye*, Jiacheng You, Yang Gao
ICML Spotlight (Top 3.5%), 2024
Twitter / ArXiv / Code /

Introducing EfficientZero V2, a general framework designed for sample-efficient RL algorithms, which outperforms the SotA methods and DreamerV3 across diverse domains.

I-Octree: A Fast, Lightweight, and Dynamic Octree for Proximity Search
Jun Zhu, Hongyi Li, Zhepeng Wang, Shengjie Wang, Tao Zhang
ICRA, 2024
Project website / ArXiv / Code /

we present the i-Octree, a dynamic octree data structure that supports both fast nearest neighbor search and real-time dynamic updates, outperforming contemporary state-of-the-art approaches by achieving, on average, a 19% reduction in runtime on realworld open datasets.

DexCatch: Learning to Catch Arbitrary Objects with Dexterous Hands
Fengbo Lan*, Shengjie Wang*, Yunzhe Zhang, Haotian Xu, Oluwatosin Oseni, Yang Gao, Tao Zhang
IEEE RA-L, Under review
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We present a learning-based catching strategy, which can catch diverse objects of daily life with dexterous hands. The learned policies show strong zero-shot transfer performance on unseen objects.

A Policy Optimization Method Towards Optimal-time Stability
Shengjie Wang, Fengbo Lan, Xiang Zheng, Yuxue Cao, Oluwatosin Oseni, Haotian Xu, Tao Zhang, Yang Gao
CoRL, 2023
Project Page / ArXiv / Code

Our approach enables the system's state to reach an equilibrium point within an optimal time and maintain stability there- after, referred to as "optimal-time stability". To achieve this, we integrate the optimization method into the Actor-Critic framework, resulting in the development of the Adaptive Lyapunov-based Actor-Critic (ALAC) algorithm.

Efficient Exploration Using Extra Safety Budget in Constrained Policy Optimization
Haotian Xu*, Shengjie Wang*, Zhaolei Wang, Yunzhe Zhang, Qing Zhuo, Yang Gao, Tao Zhang
IROS, 2023
Project Page / ArXiv / Code

Our algorithm (ESB-CPO) improves upon the trade-off between reducing constraint violations and improving expected returns in Safe Reinforcement Learning.

A Learning-based Adaptive Compliance Method for Symmetric Bi-manual Manipulation
Yuxue Cao*, Shengjie Wang*, Xiang Zheng, Wenke Ma, Tao Zhang
T-ASE (Top Journal in Automation), Under review
Project Page / ArXiv / Code

We propose a novel Learning-based Adaptive Compliance (LAC) algorithm to improve the efficiency and adaptability of symmetric bi-manual manipulation.

IMAP: Intrinsically Motivated Adversarial Policy
Xiang Zheng, Xingjun Ma, Shengjie Wang, Xinyu Wang, Chao Shen, Cong Wang
ACM CCS (Top Conference in Security), Under review
Project Page / ArXiv / Code

We propose the Intrinsically Motivated Adversarial Policy (IMAP) for efficient black-box evasion attacks in single- and multi-agent environments without any knowledge of the victim policy.

Development of a small-sized quadruped robotic rat capable of multimodal motions
Shengjie Wang, Qing Shi, Junhui Gao, Yuxuan Wang, Fansheng Meng, Chang Li, Qiang Huang, Toshio Fukuda
Journal: T-RO (Top journal in Robotics), 2023
Conference: Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), (Best Student Paper Award(Top 0.5%)) , 2019
IEEE Spectrum / EurekAlert / Science Times

We developed a small-sized quadruped robotic rat (SQuRo), which includes four limbs and one flexible spine. On the basis of the extracted key movement joints, SQuRo was subtly designed with a relatively elongated slim body (aspect ratio: 3.42) and smaller weight (220 g) compared with quadruped robots of the same scale.

Reinforcement learning with prior policy guidance for motion planning of dual-arm free-floating space robot
Yuxue Cao*, Shengjie Wang*, Xiang Zheng, Wenke Ma, Xinru Xie, Lei Liu
AST (Top journal in Astronautics), 2023
ArXiv / Code

We propose a novel algorithm, EfficientLPT, to facilitate RL-based methods to improve planning accuracy efficiently. Our core contributions are constructing a mixed policy with prior knowledge guidance and introducing infinite norm to build a more reasonable reward function.

Towards Human-Level Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation with Reinforcement Learning
Yuanpei Chen, Tianhao Wu, Shengjie Wang, Xidong Feng, Jiechuang Jiang, Stephen Marcus McAleer, Hao Dong, Zongqing Lu, Song-chun Zhu, Yaodong Yang
NeurIPS, 2022
Project Page / ArXiv / Code

We propose a bimanual dexterous manipulation benchmark (Bi-DexHands) according to literature from cognitive science for comprehensive reinforcement learning research.

Collision-Free Trajectory Planning for a 6-DoF Free Floating Space Robot via Hierarchical Decoupling Optimization
Shengjie Wang, Yuxue Cao, Xiang Zheng, Tao Zhang
IEEE RA-L, 2022
Project Page / Paper / Code

We developed a model-free Hierarchical Decoupling Optimization (HDO) algorithm to realize 6D-pose multi-target trajectory planning for the free-floating space robot.

Tsinghua University, China
2019.09 - Present

Master Student and PhD Student
Advisor: Prof. Yang Gao and Prof. Tao Zhang(IET Fellow, Head of Department)
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
2015.09 - 2019.07

Undergraduate Student
Advisor: Prof. Qing Shi (IEEE Senior Member) and Prof. Toshio Fukuda (2020 IEEE President).

Template stolen from Jon Barron.
Last updated: Oct 15, 2023